CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 25
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 25 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-08].iso
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Text File
351 lines
; $VER: UpdateWirenet 2.0 (23.3.98)
; This installer and the accompanying scripts are
; (c) Neil Bothwick, Wirenet Amiga Internet and may
; not be used in any other package without permission
; This updates a Wirenet 1.5/1.51 installation to the new Dashboard2 setup
; If you do not already have Wirenet 1.5 installed you should download and
; install this first.
; It is available from http://www.wirenet.u-net.com/updates.html
;========================== Define Procedures ==========================
(set ArcName 'Dashboard2.lha')
;;; Abort with message
(procedure GetOut GetOutMsg
(message GetOutMsg)
(exit (quiet))
;;; Setup message strings
'\nThe update cannot proceed without Rexxmast running.\n\n'
'You should have Arexx active on your system at all times, please drag '
'the rexxmast icon from your System drawer to WBStartup and reboot'
'\nThe execution of an Arexx script failed\n'
'\nHello ' (getenv 'REALNAME') '\n\n'
'This will update your Wirenet software to the latest current setup. '
'This uses a new GUI with a preferences editor for altering most settings\n\n'
'It also has several other new features, read the documentation for more information.\n\n'
'The installer will copy your previous files to a directory called Old, '
'in case you should need to revert to them for any reason.'
'\nYou appear to have a version of Dashboard 2 installed already.\n\n'
'Do you want to update it or uninstall it?'
'\n"Update" will update your Dashboard 2 installation to the latest versions.'
'\n\n"Uninstall" will restore the Dashboard 1.5 files that were backed up '
'when you updated to Dashboard 2'
'\nThis installer will only update from Dashboard 1.5 or 1.51\n\n'
'If you do not already have Wirenet 1.5 installed you should '
'download and install 1.51 first.\n\n'
'It is available from http://www.wirenet.u-net.com/updates.html'
'\nDashboard2 uses a different method of storing your account and '
'configuration details. Before copying any files, the installer '
'will read your current details and create a new configuration file.\n\n'
'You will be able to edit these settings by selecting the "Prefs" menu item in Dashboard.'
'\nYour Wirenet software has been updated to Dashboard2.\n\n'
'There are several significant differences in the way it operates, '
'you will only benefit from these improvements if you take a few '
'minutes to read the documentation.'
'\nAn old version of a library was found. This has been updated but '
'you MUST reset your Amiga before proceeding with the installation '
'of Dashboard2'
'\nSelect "Reset Now" to reboot your machine, or "Exit" to leave it '
'until later. You MUST not run the installer until after you have '
'reset your Amiga.'
;;; Check archive was unarced correctly
(procedure CheckUnarc
(if (= 0 (exists 'AmiTCP/Dashboard'))
'\n' ArcName 'has not been unarchived correctly!\n\n'
'Type\n\n"lha x ' ArcName ' RAM:"\n\nin a shell and then '
'double click on the installer icon in RAM:'
;;; Check arexx is running
(procedure CheckArexx
(if (run 'rx "address command"')
(if (run 'sys:rexxc/rx "address command"')
(GetOut NoArexxMsg)
;;; Make environment variable
(procedure SetEnv EnvName EnvVal ; Creates environment variables in ENV: and ENVARC:
(dest (tackon 'ENVARC:' EnvName))
(append EnvVal)
(dest (tackon 'ENV:' EnvName))
(append EnvVal)
;;; Backup file
(procedure Backup BakSrc BakDest
(if (exists BakSrc)
(prompt (cat 'Backing up existing files to ' BakDest))
(help '')
(source BakSrc)
(dest BakDest)
(CheckUnarc) ; ensure archive was unpacked with paths preserved
;=========================== Install Update ===========================
;;; Introduction
(message IntroMsg)
;;; Get install path
(set InstallPath (expandpath 'AmiTCP:'))
(makeassign 'Wirenet' InstallPath)
(set @default-dest InstallPath)
;;; Check version of current installation
(set vernum (getversion 'Wirenet:Dashboard'))
(set ver (/ vernum 65536))
(set rev (- vernum (* ver 65536)))
(set Update2 0)
(if (= ver 2)
(if (askbool
(prompt Already2Msg)
(help Already2Help)
(choices 'Update' 'Uninstall')
; Update Dashboard 2
(set Update2 1)
; Uninstall and restore Dashboard 1.5
(run ';copy >NIL: AmiTCP:old/Dash#? AmiTCP: clone quiet')
(run ';copy >NIL: AmiTCP:old/bin AmiTCP:bin clone quiet')
(run ';copy >NIL: AmiTCP:old/envarc ENVARC: all clone quiet')
(exit '\nDashboard 1.5 reinstalled' (quiet))
(if (and (<> '1.5' (cat ver '.' rev)) (= Update2 0))
(GetOut OldDBMsg)
;;; Check version of rexxdossupport.library
(if (= 1 (exists 'libs:rexxdossupport.library'))
(if (= 5 (run 'version rexxdossupport.library 3 5'))
(set OldLib 1)
(set OldLib 0)
;;; Install libraries
(working 'Installing libraries')
(set LibsPath (tackon (pathonly @icon) 'Libs'))
(foreach LibsPath '#?'
(prompt 'Updating libraries')
(help '')
(source (tackon LibsPath @each-name))
(dest 'LIBS:')
;;; Reboot if old library found
(if (= 1 OldLib)
(if (askbool
(prompt OldLibMsg)
(help OldLibHelp)
(choices 'Reset Now' 'Exit')
(working '\nPlease wait while I reset.')
(run 'wait 10')
(run 'reset')
(exit '\nYou MUST reboot your Amiga before running the installer again' (quiet))
;;; Convert configuration
(if (= 0 Update2)
(message ConvertConfigMsg)
(working 'Converting your configuration information to new format')
(run 'rx AmiTCP/bin/AddLibs')
(run 'rx AmiTCP/bin/WirenetPrefs CONVERT')
;;; Backup old files
(if (= 0 Update2)
(message 'Backing up current files to Internet/Old')
(working 'Backing up current files to Internet/Old')
(Backup 'Wirenet:Dashboard' 'Wirenet:Old')
(Backup 'Wirenet:Dashboard.gui' 'Wirenet:Old')
(Backup 'Wirenet:Dashboard.info' 'Wirenet:Old')
(foreach 'AmiTCP/bin' '#?'
(Backup (tackon 'Wirenet:bin' @each-name) 'Wirenet:Old/bin')
(Backup 'ENVARC:DOMAINNAME' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:FTPDIR' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:FTPREADME' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:FTPSERVER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:HOST' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:HOSTNAME' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:IPADDRESS' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:MAILBOX' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:MAILSERVER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:MAILSERVERIP' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:NEWSSERVER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:NEWSSERVERIP' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:NNTPSERVER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:NODENAME' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:SMTPSERVER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:USER' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:USERNAME' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(Backup 'ENVARC:Wirenet.prefs' 'Wirenet:Old/envarc')
(foreach 'ENVARC:Wirenet' '#?'
(Backup (tackon 'ENVARC:Wirenet' @each-name) 'Wirenet:Old/envarc/Wirenet')
;;; Add new assigns to user-startup
(startup 'Wirenet'
(prompt '\nThere are some more assigns to be added to user-startup')
(help '\nThis will add the necessary new assigns your user-startup\n\n' @startup-help)
(command 'Assign Wirenet: ' InstallPath '\n')
(command 'Assign GUIs: C: ADD\n')
(run 'Assign GUIs: C: ADD')
;;; Fix trailing LF on Thor environment variables
(run 'setenv THOR/THORPath `getenv THOR/THORPath`')
(run 'setenv THOR/BBSDataPath `getenv THOR/BBSDataPath`')
(run 'Copy >NIL: ENV:THOR/#?path ENVARC:THOR')
;;; Copy C: files
(working 'Copying some files to C:')
(set CPath (tackon (pathonly @icon) 'C'))
(prompt 'Copying new C commands')
(help '')
(source CPath)
(dest 'C:')
;;; Copy AmiTCP: files
(working 'Updating Internet files')
(set TCPPath (tackon (pathonly @icon) 'AmiTCP'))
(working 'Copying new files')
(prompt '')
(help '')
(source TCPPath)
(dest 'Wirenet:')
; Set script bits in case they were cleared when unarcing
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/WirenetPrefs' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/StopProc' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/StopNet' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/GetStatus' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/Fetch' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/Disconnect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/Connect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/AddLibs' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/CheckOnline' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/SendEvents' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/ShowLog' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/StartNet' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:bin/ParseThor' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/Stopnet' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/Startnet' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PreSend' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PreDisconnect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PreConnect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PostFetch' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PostDisconnect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/PostConnect' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/Function.B' '+s')
(protect 'Wirenet:UserScripts/Function.A' '+s')
;;; Delete old environment variables
(working 'Removing redundant files from ENVARC:')
(delete 'ENVARC:Wirenet/#?')
(delete 'ENVARC:Wirenet')
(delete 'ENVARC:FTPDIR')
(delete 'ENVARC:HOST')
(delete 'ENVARC:USER')
;;; Show new docs and exit
(message FinalMsg)
(run 'Multiview AmiTCP/doc/Dashboard.guide')